Hawks Ice Scheduling
Below are the procedures for booking, trading, or canceling ice.
This is the link to our online schedule: https://hawks.skedda.com
Purchasing open ice.
Anything called OPEN in Skedda is available to be booked. To book, trade or cancel follow the procedures below:
1. Open ice - Email – ice@halifaxhawks.ca to book it. Please include date, time, venue, contact person and team name
Ice Resources:
Centennial Arena Online Ice Schedule: https://www.rectimes.app/centennialarena
Halifax Forum Online Ice Schedule: https://rectimes.app/halifaxforum
HRM Arena Ice Availability Search: https://recreation.halifax.ca/enterprise/facility/availabilitysearch
2. Trading Ice – if you would like to trade ice, you must contact the manager for that specific team and make those arrangements, THEN email the request to me. To reduce email please do not include me on your emails back and forth with the team. The final email to me should have both parties copied so I know both teams are aware of the trade.
3. Cancelling ice - If you need to cancel ice, we require 7 days notice for Centennial and 72 hours notice for our other arenas. If you are going away for a tournament, please let me know in advance so I can make that ice available. Updates will be finalized on Thursday afternoon each week. There will be no updates done over the weekend so please have your changes to me by noon on Thursday each week.