Safety & Risk Management
Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy (HNS)
The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission and Hockey Nova Scotia have worked collaboratively to find a way of addressing the valid concerns of HNS to curb abusive behaviour of any person involved with HNS while at the same time preserving the ability of children to play hockey despite the actions of parents. After discussions with the Commission and members of the public concerned about this issue, HNS has created a Dispute Resolution Policy.
The full Dispute Resolution Policy is available on both the Hockey Nova Scotia website ( and on your Association’s website. Please take the time to read and understand the Dispute Resolution Policy since it forms part of the obligations binding the registrants.
Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy
Association Rep and Team Safety Rep Information
Hockey associations, leagues, programs and teams must assign one person who will be the Safety Rep responsibile for ensuring that all updated and relevant information is passed onto everyone.
Team Reps for the '2 Deep' Method
Dressing Room Supervision Policy
HNS requires all Coaches/Bench staff and member Minor Hockey Associations to provide supervision for all Minor/Female Hockey dressing rooms before, during and after all games and practices. HNS requires that Minor/Female players should be supervised at all times, HNS requires MHAs/ Coaches to follow the ‘‘Two Deep Method”of supervision recommended byHockey Canada. A lone personnel member should never be in the dressing room with players at any time, especially when players are showering or changing: two adults should be present together, this is called the “Two Deep Method” of supervision.
Supervising personnel must be members of the team staff or adults who have completed either “Speak Out” or the “Respect In Sport” for volunteers and have submitted their record checks [VSC & CRC] to their MHA. All certification information for this required position can be found here.